Monthly Archives: July 2014

The ‘Be Everywhere’ Strategy: For Traffic, Online Visibility And Leads

By |July 30th, 2014|

This is the second in my series of three free reports (download the first here), helping you to achieve online visibility and build your brand within your respective marketplace.

My first report examined the challenges facing small businesses to build online visibility, given the significant resources it can take to gain traction on social media and to take advantage of content marketing, and the often limited resources available.

If it’s a struggle to keep on top of just one social network, let alone trying to connect with your potential prospects on the others as well, you’ll know exactly what I mean.

For many small businesses, it’s a critical issue.

So what is the solution?


The Online Visibility Crisis: The Race To Embrace Social And Content Marketing

By |July 29th, 2014|

The Online Visibility Crisis

If you:

  • Know you should be more fully engaged in social media and content marketing; and yet you …
  • Don’t have the time and/or resources to do so

Then, congratulations, join the club!

It’s a situation faced by so many small businesses the world over, trapped between a rock and a hard place …

On the one hand, you’re supposed to be active, present and building large followings on the major social media sites like:


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