If you:
- Know you should be more fully engaged in social media and content marketing; and yet you …
- Don’t have the time and/or resources to do so
Then, congratulations, join the club!
It’s a situation faced by so many small businesses the world over, trapped between a rock and a hard place …
On the one hand, you’re supposed to be active, present and building large followings on the major social media sites like:
- Google+
(Not to mention YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, SlideShare, and so the list goes on …)
And on the other hand, you simply don’t have the time or resources to be everywhere you need to be to succeed in today’s business environment.
After all, you have a business to run, right? How can you possibly find the several hours a day need to Tweet, to post to LinkedIn, to update Facebook, to ‘engage’, to formulate your ‘content strategy’, yada, yada, yada … arrrggghhhh!
Yet by not doing so, you face an online visibility crisis:
- A future of ever-decreasing online visibility in an increasingly socially-connected and content-rich world …
- And an increasing struggle to reach your potential prospects and customers on the platforms where they spend the majority of their time.
I’ve just created a brand new report that addresses these issues head-on. In fact, it’s the most significant report I’ve released for years, based on ten years of experience of helping small businesses achieve online visibility, and the crisis I see happening right now. It has a direct impact on your own business.
In fact, it’s the first of three such reports that guide you along a path of achieving a high level of online visibility for your business, and in a way that’s both practical and achievable for the average small business.
In this first report, I cover the following:
- What the online visibility crisis is, what caused it, and why the time to act is now.
- Why social media and other content channels are no longer just a nice to have if you have the time phenomenon, but critical for the long-term viability of your business.
- How, for this very reason, smart business owners the world over are in a race to embrace social media and content marketing to ensure their own survival and profitability.
In short, you’ll find out why it’s time to sit up and take notice, now. And how, if you leave it too late to start taking action, you risk disaster for your own business, as many business owners have already found out to their cost.
Here’s the FREE report – grab it and read it now:
I’d also love to know what you think, so please let me know. For example:
- What challenges have you had with online visibility over the past couple years? What challenges are you having now with attracting traffic/prospects/new customers?
- What’s your level of social media and content marketing involvement right now? Are you yet-to-get-started, lurking on the sidelines with occasional involvement, or fully immersed and roaring ahead?
- Perhaps you’re on one network to some extent, but aren’t really sure which to use or commit to fully?
- Does the very thought of having to learn and get (more) involved with social media for your business fill you with anxiety/overwhelm/feelings of panic at yet-another-thing you have to take care of? Or perhaps you can’t wait to dive in?
- How do you see the future of your business if you don’t embrace social and content marketing more fully?
I’d love to hear where you’re at …